Database Reference
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Starting Impala
If you have used Cloudera Manager to install Impala, then you can use the Cloudera
Manager UI to start/shutdown Impala. However, those who installed Impala directly
need to start at least one instance of Impala-state-store and Impala on all DataNodes
where it is installed. In this scenario, you can either use init scripts or you can start the
statestore and Impala directly. Impala uses Impala-state-store to run in the distributed
mode. Impala-state-store helps Impala to achieve the best performance; however, if
the state store becomes unavailable, Impala continues to function.
To start the Impala-state-store, use the following command:
$ sudo service impala-state-store start
To start Impala on each DataNode, use the following command:
$ sudo service impala-server start
Impala-state-store and Impala server-specific init scripts are located at /etc/de-
fault/impala , which can be edited if necessary when you want to automate or start
these services depending on certain conditions.
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