Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 1-5 Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
Web Services can be used to help solve several problems in Enterprise Application
Integration (EAI). Integrating existing applications for a business solution is a complex
and time-consuming task. Applications that were written in different computer languages,
such as C/C++, JAVA, Visual Basic, and FORTRAN, have unique logical interfaces to
the external world, which makes the integration of these applications difficult, complex
and time-consuming. Applications that are running on different machine architectures,
such as SUN, Personal Computer, IBM Mainframes, IBM A/S 400, have unique physical
interfaces to the external world. Integrating these applications is also challenging.
Applications running on machines that are interconnected through a network are also
difficult to integrate. The challenges of EAI arise in three main areas:
• Language barriers - XML is a standardized language that is used for message
• Platform barriers - SOAP has been implemented on many platforms (e.g., Unix,
Network barriers - HTTP and SMTP are standardized network protocols
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