Java Reference
In-Depth Information @WebMethod Annotation
This annotation customizes a method that is exposed as a WS operation. There are three
(3) optional elements that can be used with this annotation:
1. action:name of an operation defined within the WSDL
2. exclude:excludes the method from being exposed as an operation of a Web
operationName:name of the operation. @WebParam Annotation
Individual parameters of an operation can be named in the same way as the method. Use
this annotation to change to different names within the WSDL. Optional parameters are:
1. header:if true, the parameter is extracted from the message header instead
of from the message body.
2. mode:there are three basic modes - IN, OUT, and INOUT.
3. name:the parameter is mapped to name in XML element that represents the
parameter. If DOCUMENT style is used, name is required.
partName:if RPC style is used, this is the name in the wsdl:part element.
targetNamespace:if DOCUMENT style is used, the parameter maps to a header.
This class implements the SOAP RPC style of Web Service. It is nearly identical to that of
the document style with the exception of SOAPBinding annotation. This class is used to
show the difference between the two styles in use today.
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