Civil Engineering Reference
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(a) No-sway sub-assemblage
(b) Sway sub-assemblage
Figure 8.10 Sub-assemblages for multi-storey frames.
More recent research [41] has concentrated on extending computer methods of
analysis so that they allow for residual stresses and geometrical imperfections as
well as for second-order effects and inelastic behaviour. Such methods can dupli-
cate design code predictions of the strengths of individual members (through the
economical of computer memory and time. It seems likely that advanced meth-
ods of analysis will play important roles in the future design of two-dimensional
rigid-jointed frames in which local and lateral buckling are prevented.
8.3.6 In-plane design of frames with rigid joints Residual stresses and geometrical imperfections
The effects of residual stresses are allowed for approximately in EC3 by using
imperfections (which are associated with initial sway or lack of verticality) and
local (member) imperfections (which are associated with initial bow or crooked-
closed systems of equivalent fictitious forces. The magnitudes of the equivalent
geometrical imperfections and equivalent fictitious forces are specified in Clause
5.3.2 of EC3.
have only small effects on the distributions of moments and axial forces in the
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