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process can be repeated until the values are found which satisfy equation 7.80.
Solutions obtained in this way are plotted in Figure 7.7b.
7.6 Appendix - flexural-torsional buckling of
elastic beam-columns
7.6.1 Simply supported beam-columns
from twisting at its ends so that
( v ) 0, L = (φ) 0, L = 0,
and is free to warp (see Section 10.8.3) so that
d 2 φ
d x 2
= 0.
0, L
The combination at elastic buckling of the axial load N cr , MN and equal and
opposite end moments M cr , MN (i.e. β m =− 1) can be determined by finding
a deflected and twisted position which is one of equilibrium. The differential
equilibrium equations for such a position are
EI z d 2 v
d x 2 + N cr , MN v =− M cr , MN φ
for minor axis bending, and
d x EI w d 3 φ
GJ N cr , MN i p
d φ
d x 3 = M cr , MN d v
d x
fortorsion,where i p = [ ( I y + I z )/ A ] isthepolarradiusofgyration.Equation7.84
reduces to equation 3.59 for compression member buckling when M cr , MN = 0,
and to equation 6.82 for beam buckling when N cr , MN = 0. Equation 7.85 can
be used to derive equation 3.73 for torsional buckling of a compression mem-
ber when M cr , MN = 0, and reduces to equation 6.82 for beam buckling when
N cr , MN = 0.
The buckled shape of the beam-column is given by
N cr , z N cr , MN φ = δ sin π x
M cr , MN
v =
L ,
where N cr , z = π 2 EI z / L 2 is the minor axis elastic buckling load of an axially
loaded column, and δ the undetermined magnitude of the central deflection. The
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