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alternative is provided by a modification of equation 7.63 to
M y , Ed
M N , y , Rd
M z , Ed
M N , z , Rd
in which α = 2.0 and β = 5 n 1 for equal flanged I-sections, α = β = 2.0 for
circular hollow sections, and α = β = 1.66 /( 1 1.13 n 2 ) 6 ) for rectangular
hollow sections, where n = N Ed / N pl , Rd . Conservatively, α and β may be taken
as unity. Member resistance
of equations 7.61 and 7.60 for uniaxial bending to
N b , y , Rd + k yy M y , Ed
N Ed
M b , Rd + k yz M z , Ed
M z , Rd 1
N b , z , Rd + k zy M y , Ed
N Ed
M b , Rd + k zz M z , Ed
M z , Rd 1,
both of which must be satisfied.
Alternative expressions for the interaction factors k yy , k yz , k zy , and k zz are pro-
oftheinteractionfactors k ij arelesscomplexthanthosesetoutinAnnexA,result-
ing in quicker and simpler calculations, though generally at the expense of some
structural efficiency [28]. Annex B may therefore be regarded as the simplified
that of theAnnex B interaction factors in [30].
For columns in simple construction, the bending moments arising as a result
of the eccentric loading from the beams are relatively small, and much simpler
interaction expressions can be developed with no significant loss of structural
I- and H-sections and with no intermediate lateral restraints along the member
length, equations 7.70 and 7.71 may be replaced by the single equation
N b , z , Rd + M y , Ed
N Ed
M b , Rd + 1.5 M z , Ed
M c , z , Rd 1
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