Civil Engineering Reference
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interaction equation for in-plane bending (equation 7.21) to
N b , z , Rd +
C my
( 1 N / N cr , y )
M y
M b 0, y , Rd 1,
where N b , z , Rd is the minor axis strength of a concentrically loaded column
( M y = 0), and M b 0, y , Rd the resistance of a beam ( N = 0) with equal and oppo-
site end moments ( β m =− 1) which fails either by in-plane plasticity at M pl , y ,
or by flexural-torsional buckling. The basis for this modification is the remark-
able similarity between equation 7.57 and the simple linear approximation of
equation 7.40 for the elastic flexural-torsional buckling of beam-columns with
equal and opposite end moments ( β m =− 1).The application of equation 7.57 to
Figure 7.15 between the values of C m for in-plane bending and 1 / F and 1 m
for flexural-torsional buckling.
However, the value of this simple modification is lost if the in-plane strength
of a beam-column is to be predicted more accurately than by equation 7.21. If,
for example, equation 7.23 is to be used for the in-plane strength as suggested in
been suggested [15] that the modified equations should take the form
α bcu M b 0, y , Rd
N b , z , Rd
N cr , T
in which
1 β m
1 + β m
α bcu =
N b , z , Rd
0.40 0.23
7.3.4 Design rules
The design of beam-columns against out-of-plane buckling will generally be
governed by
N b , z , Rd + k zy M y , Ed
N Ed
M b , Rd 1
in which k zy is an interaction factor that may be determined from Annex A or
Annex B of EC3. Equation 7.60 is similar to equation 7.32 for in-plane major
axisbucklingresistance, exceptfortheallowanceforlateraltorsionalbucklingin
the second term and the use of the minor axis column buckling resistance in the
first term.
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