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to that which causes some short concentrically loaded compression members to
buckle torsionally (see Sections 3.7.5 and 3.11).The longitudinal bending force
σ δ A = M y z
I y
δ A
acting on an element δ A of the cross-section rotates a 0 d φ/ d x (where a 0 is the
distancetotheaxisoftwistthroughtheshearcentre y 0 = 0, z 0 ),andsoitstransverse
component σ · δ A · a 0 d φ/ d x exertsatorque σ · δ A · a 0 d φ/ d x · a 0 abouttheaxisof
twist.The total torque T M exerted is
T M = d φ
d x
a 0 M y z
I y d A
in which
a 0 = y 2 + ( z z 0 ) 2 .
T M = M y β y d φ
d x ,
in which the monosymmetry property β y of the cross-section is given by
β y = 1
I y
z 3 d A +
y 2 z d A
2 z 0 .
An explicit expression for β y for a monosymmetric I-section is given in
Figure6.27, andthiscanalsobeusedfortee-sectionsbyputtingtheflangethick-
ness t 1 or t 2 equal to zero.Also given in Figure 6.27 is an explicit expression for
the warping section constant I w of a monosymmetric I-section. For a tee-section,
I w is zero.
6.15 Worked examples
6.15.1 Example 1 - checking a beam supported at both ends
Problem .The7.5mlong610 × 229UB125ofS275steelshowninFigure6.30is
simplysupportedatbothendswherelateraldeflections v areeffectivelyprevented
and twist rotations φ are partially restrained. Check the adequacy of the beam for
(which includes an allowance for self-weight) and an unfactored imposed load of
100 kN.
Design bending moment.
M Ed ={ ( 1.35 × 60 ) + ( 1.5 × 100 ) 7.5 / 4 = 433kNm.
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