Civil Engineering Reference
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usedforcranegantrygirders.Avalueof H / 300hasbeenusedforhorizontalstorey
drift in buildings under wind load.
Aworked example of the serviceability design is given in Section 5.12.18.
5.8 Appendix - bending stresses in elastic beams
5.8.1 Bending in a principal plane
When a beam bends in the xz principal plane, plane cross-sections rotate as
shown in Figure 5.4, so that sections δ x apart become inclined to each other at
( d 2 w / d x 2 ) δ x , where w is the deflection in the z principal direction as shown
in Figure 5.5, and δ x the length along the centroidal axis between the two cross-
sections. The length between the two cross-sections at a distance z from the axis
is greater than δ x by z ( d 2 w / d x 2 ) δ x , so that the longitudinal strain is
ε =− z d 2 w
d x 2
The corresponding tensile stress σ = E ε is
σ =− Ez d 2 w
d x 2
which has the stress resultants
N =
σ d A = 0
A z d A = 0 for centroidal axes (see Section 5.9), and
M y =
σ z d A
M y =− EI y d 2 w
d x 2
A z 2 d A = I y (see Section 5.9). If this is substituted into equation 5.50, then
the bending tensile stress σ is obtained as
σ = M y z
I y .
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