Graphics Reference
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tegral. Monte Carlo ray tracing is a form of Monte Carlo integration: the random
points in the domain of integration are the random ray directions. Monte Carlo
methods are sometimes called stochastic methods.
2.3.2 Basic MCRT
The first ray-tracing implementation using a Monte Carlo method was described
in a SIGGRAPH paper entitled “Distributed Ray Tracing” by Rob Cook, Thomas
Porter, and Loren Carpenter [Cook et al. 84]. Distributed ray tracing makes effec-
tive use of supersampling , the casting of many rays at each pixel and from each
intersection point ( Figure 2.4(a) ) . Glossy reflection at a surface point is computed
by averaging multiple reflected rays according to the spread distribution of the
specular reflection. In the original paper, the implied BRDF is rather simple: the
reflected rays are sampled uniformly in a narrow cone about the direction of mir-
ror reflection as if the BRDF has the shape of the cone. The width of the cone thus
determines the specularity. The implementation also uses Monte Carlo sampling
of area light sources to generate “soft shadows” ( Figure 2.4(b) ) .
Light source
Figure 2.4
Distributed ray tracing averages the results of a collection of sample rays. (a) Reflection is
computed by tracing a bundle of rays distributed according to the BRDF; (b) tracing rays
to enough points distributed across an area light source produces soft shadows.
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