Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Giving bonuses
The space in the game should not be a strictly severe territory. The player should get
some candies as well.
The following is a list of all the bonuses that the player gets in the game:
Flag with a star : This is a collectible item. It gives some rewards in points
to the player and lets him brag about it among friends. But this rock, the one
having a blue flag with a star on it, is found very rarely.
Green container : This is another collectible item. It is a small bottle-shaped
metallic box. It gives less value of points, but contains some drops of text in-
formation that the HUD displays on the screen. It includes only few words. As
you might guess, the object is a message in a bottle, a way to create a sub-
plot inside the main story. Inside the green containers, there can be messages
from the Danube, exposing the current situation aboard. Alternatively in the
containers, there can be a message from the ship that was lost in space long
ago; let's call the ship Amsterdam. There can be portions of the ship's log, ex-
posing its story or some old requests for help.
Spare parts box : This is one of the most popular bonuses, a crate with some
useful parts inside that lets the player upgrade some properties of the Un-
it, either support system (increase health or oxygen bar) or weapons. Each
spare part box contains one upgrade point. The player himself decides which
variable it should be added to.
Check point : This is an object with some field around it that looks like a life-
buoy. By flying through it, the player gets a new checkpoint. The main charac-
ter will resurrect here after the next death in the game.
Monolith : This is a semi-ghostly rare item of unknown origin. It appears sud-
denly in different places, and looks like a black parallelepiped. If the protagon-
ist touches it (crashes into it), he is rewarded with invulnerability and infinite
energy for a few minutes. Such an effect must be a surprise for the player. The
game should not explain the true meaning of this element.
Star dust : This is a cloud of shining particles moving across the screen. It
gives a burst of energy for the Unit as soon as the protagonist reaches the
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