Game Development Reference
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It is good to demonstrate the evolution of narrative species in the game. The very
first level must start with the synopsis, that is, it should demonstrate the keystone
rule of the game: the player should make a single and simple action in one step.
Then he/she should be able to see some plot elements, for instance, some bonuses
or should meet somebody. And after that, he/she should face the story: game shows
him/her the next level.
There is an interesting indie-game project called Storyteller ( http://www.storyteller- ) . It is a puzzle game with a unique main concept: a player needs to create
a specific story. He has some plot elements—characters, situations, secrets, and
state of mind—and the player's objective is to combine generating dramatic conflicts
and climaxes and creating the story. An amazing idea, isn't it? The plot of the game
is to create a plot:
Your main enemy is monotony—players don't like routine repetition of identical ele-
ments over and over again. Therefore, there must be progress of game elements,
either evolutional or revolutionary. For example, the game should become faster,
puzzles should become harder, opponents should get more strength, and so on. This
is an extensive way to solve the problem. But the more intensive it becomes, the
more attractive it is.
The game should be changed more widely, by introducing new settings, props, char-
acters, enemies, and obstacles. The main goal is to not let the player get bored.
If he gets the hang of a specific tool, tactic, or weapon, turning the game process
into a mechanical routine, the game should change the conditions a little bit to force
the player to find some new ways. You should explore the range of abilities your
game elements have and use them creatively, surprising the player very often. What
will happen if we begin to use the element of the puzzle a bit differently? What will
happen if gravity were suddenly turned off? Will the weapon be effective under wa-
ter? How will element A interact with element B? It is great when a game item has
more than one scope. The story becomes more flexible and pleasantly unexpected.
People like to be pleasantly surprised.
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