Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The Young Kennedy Trail comes in from the right (north); con-
tinue straight on the Waterline Trail. The trail becomes less
rocky, mostly dirt bed.
Pass a sign warning you that you are approaching Three
Caves, with dangerous bluffs, and to keep your children away
from the edge. In a few yards come to a Y at a sign pointing the
way to the Three Caves Loop, Waterline Trail, and Alms House
Trail. Continue straight (west) on the Three Caves Loop.
Come to a gravel parking lot. Walk along the east side of the lot
to a kiosk. Next to the kiosk is a set of railroad tie stairs. Head
up these stairs to continue the loop to the west. In a few yards
cross a gravel road. Do not turn down the road and go to the
caves! Special permission is required. Continue straight across
the road to the south and continue following the loop.
The Cave Loop ends back at the Y at mile 2.6. Continue
straight to the north on the Alms House Trail. The trail is very
rocky, with several intermittent stream crossings.
The trail follows a flat rock bed, then climbs through some
The Alms House-Wagon Trail Connector comes in from the
right (east). Continue straight (north) on the Alms House Trail.
Cross a creek.
Pass the Sink Hole Trail on the left (north). There is a small
sinkhole between the two trails. Continue straight (east) on the
Alms House Trail. In a few yards pass the springhouse founda-
tion on the left (south).
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