Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Miles and Directions
Start at trailhead at the bend in the road where Lyon Lane and
Frankfurt Drive meet. The trail heads up a short hill to the north-
east and then turns north. The path is a dirt and gravel road.
Come to the welcome kiosk with information about the park and
its trails. Maps are available here. Please drop a dollar or two
into the lockbox for the map, and remember to pack it out with
you. Two very nice portable toilets are located to the right. Turn
left (west) here. The path is still a dirt and gravel road at this
point and unmarked.
Come to the intersection with the BMRR South Trail. Turn left
(southwest) onto the BMRR. The trail continues to be a dirt and
gravel road. In less than 0.1 mile, come to a sign indicating that
the Ike Maston Trail is to the northwest and the BMRR contin-
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