Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Hikers take time to enjoy the view along the spillway at Little River State Forest.
As with the Gulf Coast region, the weather in the South is subtropical, and late
summer heat and humidity can make outdoor activities impossible at times. If
you're hiking the region during this time, carry plenty of water and, of course, in-
sect repellent. Much of the hiking in this region is around swamps and marshes, so
expect mosquitoes. Also like the Gulf Coast region, close proximity to the Gulf of
Mexico means that the warm, moist Gulf air can produce brief but very heavy
rainfall unexpectedly.
As mentioned in the Gulf Coast introduction, 2004-5 was one of the worst hur-
ricane seasons on record for south Alabama. Several trails in the region were
severely damaged but have been cleared and are safe once again for public use.
Remember to keep track of the tropics during hurricane season (generally June
through November) before heading out.
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