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As we demonstrated in the proof of Theorem 4 , C opt ( k ) = 0 holds if the place-
ment of k points can be decomposed into diameters and regular polygons. We
conjecture that the converse statement is also true. Note that, on the contrary,
the converse statement is false for the basic problem, as we discussed the case
k = 5 in Sect. 3.2 .
5 Concluding Remarks
Many questions are left open: What if arbitrary weights are allowed? Another
measure of balance? How about in
3 or an arbitrary metric space? (As intro-
duced, there are numerous studies on satellite constellation design such as [ 3 , 9 ].)
What if the destination of points is arbitrarily restricted? For the n -cyclotomic
problem, can a more sophisticated strategy be designed? Can the problem in
Sect. 4.2 be solved for general composite numbers? Does C opt ( k ) = 0 need the
placed points to be decomposed into diameters and regular polygons?
A cknowledgments. We would like to thank the participants of the 15th Enumeration
Algorithm Seminar held in Ikaho, Japan, for their helpful comments. This work was
supported by KAKENHI (23700014 and 23500014).
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