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the path. Then by definition, no edge of S is in the path, hence all of them
are transitive, and S is not a guarding set. Conversely, suppose that S is not
guarding. Then there exists an acyclic orientation of G in which all edges of S
are transitive. The corresponding ordering of the vertices in V yields a Hamilton
path in H .
4.2 Special Cases and an Upper Bound
Lemma 1. The minimum size of a guarding set in a complete graph on n ver-
tices is n
1 .
Proof. First note that there always exists a guarding set of size n
1 that consists
of all edges incident to one vertex.
Now we need to show that any other edge subset of smaller size is not a
guarding set. This amounts to stating that every graph with at least 2
edges has a Hamilton path. To see this, proceed by induction on n . Suppose this
holds for graphs with less than n vertices. Consider a set S of at most n
( n
edges of the complete graph. Let u, v be two vertices with uv
S . One of the
two vertices, say v , is incident to at most
( n
2) / 2
edges of S . Consider a
Hamilton path on the n
= v , which exists by induction hypothesis.
Then vertex v must have one or two incident edges that do not belong to S and
connect v to the first, or the last, or two consecutive vertices of this path. Hence
we can integrate v in the Hamilton path.
1 vertices
Since acyclic orientations of the complete graph K n correspond to the permu-
tations of S n , this is in fact the solution to the puzzle “hitting a consecutive
pair” in the introduction. The dual graph of the arrangements of hyperplanes
corresponding to the complete graph (graphic hyperplane arrangement of K n )
is the skeleton graph of the permutohedron. Hence the above result can also be
stated in the following form.
Corollary 1. The minimum size of a set of zones covering the vertices of the
skeleton graph of the n -dimensional permutohedron is n
1 .
We now give a simple, polynomial-time computable upper bound on the size of
a guarding set. A set C
E is an edge cut whenever the graph ( V,E
C )isnot
Theorem 4. Every edge cut of G is a guarding set of G .
Proof. Consider an edge cut C
E and an acyclic orientation A G of G . This
acyclic orientation can be used to define a partial order on V . Let us consider a
total ordering of V that extends this partial order, and pick an edge e = uv
that minimizes the rank difference between u and v . We claim that e is flippable.
Suppose for the sake of contradiction that e is not flippable. Then e must be
transitive and there exists a directed path P in A G between u and v that does
not use e . Since C is a cut, u and v belong to distinct connected components of
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