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which has the same vertex set as D and has an edge between two distinct vertices
x and y if and only if N D ( x )
N D ( y )
. R. D. Dutton and R. C. Brigham
[ 4 ] and F. S. Roberts and J. E. Steif [ 13 ] gave characterizations of competition
graphs by using edge clique covers of graphs. The notion of competition graphs
was introduced by J. E. Cohen [ 3 ] in 1968 in connection with a problem in
ecology, and several variants and generalizations of competition graphs have
been studied.
In 1987, D. D. Scott [ 16 ] introduced the notion of double competition graphs
as a variant of the notion of competition graphs. The double competition graph
(or the competition-common enemy graph or the CCE graph ) of a digraph D
is the graph which has the same vertex set as D and has an edge between two
distinct vertices x and y if and only if both N D ( x )
N D ( y )
and N D ( x )
N D ( y )
hold. See [ 8 , 10 , 15 ] for recent results on double competition graphs.
A multigraph M is a pair ( V ( M ) ,E ( M )) of a set V ( M )of vertices and a
multiset E ( M ) of unordered pairs of vertices, called edges . Note that, in our
definition, multigraphs have no loops. We may consider a multigraph M as the
pair ( V ( M ) ,m M ) of the vertex set V ( M ) and the nonnegative integer-valued
function m M : 2
Z 0 on the set 2 of all unordered pairs of V where
m M (
) is defined to be the number of multiple edges between the vertices
x and y in M . The notion of competition multigraphs was introduced by C. A.
Anderson, K. F. Jones, J. R. Lundgren, and T. A. McKee [ 1 ] in 1990 as a variant
of the notion of competition graphs. The competition multigraph of a digraph
D is the multigraph which has the same vertex set as D and has m xy multiple
edges between two distinct vertices x and y , where m xy is the nonnegative integer
defined by m xy =
x, y
N D ( x )
N D ( y )
. See [ 14 , 19 ] for recent results on competition
In [ 12 ], the authors introduced the notion of the double competition multi-
graph of a digraph. The double competition multigraph of a digraph D is the
multigraph which has the same vertex set as D and has m xy multiple edges
between two distinct vertices x and y , where m xy is the nonnegative integer
defined by
N D ( x )
N D ( y )
N D ( x )
N D ( y )
m xy =
Recall that a clique of a multigraph M is a set of vertices of M which are
pairwise adjacent. We consider the empty set
as a clique of any multigraph
for convenience. A multiset is also called a family .An edge clique partition of a
multigraph M is a family
of cliques of M such that any two distinct vertices
x and y are contained in exactly m M (
A digraph D is said to be acyclic if D has no directed cycles. An ordering
( v 1 ,...,v n ) of the vertices of a digraph D , where n is the number of vertices of
D , is called an acyclic ordering of D if ( v i ,v j )
x, y
) cliques in the family
A ( D ) implies i<j .Itiswell
known that a digraph D is acyclic if and only if D has an acyclic ordering. For
a positive integer n , let [ n ] denote the set
1 , 2 ,...,n
In [ 12 ], the authors gave a characterization of the double competition multi-
graphs of acyclic digraphs in terms of edge clique partitions of the multigraphs.
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