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The Double Multicompetition Number
of a Multigraph
Jeongmi Park 1 and Yoshio Sano 2(
1 Department of Mathematics, Pusan National University, Busan 609-735, Korea
2 Division of Information Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
Information and Systems, University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8573, Japan
Abstract. The double competition multigraph of a digraph D is the
multigraph which has the same vertex set as D and has m xy multiple
edges between two distinct vertices x and y ,where m xy is defined to be
the number of common out-neighbors of x and y in D times the number
of common in-neighbors of x and y in D .
In this paper, we introduce the notion of the double multicompetition
number of a multigraph. It is easy to observe that, for any multigraph
M , M together with suciently many isolated vertices is the double
competition multigraph of some acyclic digraph. The double multicom-
petition number of a multigraph is defined to be the minimum number
of such isolated vertices. We give a characterization of multigraphs with
bounded double multicompetition number and give a lower bound for
the double multicompetition numbers of multigraphs.
Intersection graph
Double competition multigraph
Double multicompetition number
Acyclic digraph
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 05C20, 05C75.
The competition graph of a digraph is defined to be the intersection graph of
the family of the out-neighborhoods of the vertices of the digraph (see [ 11 ]for
intersection graphs). A digraph D is a pair ( V ( D ) ,A ( D )) of a set V ( D )of vertices
and a set A ( D ) of ordered pairs of vertices, called arcs . An arc of the form ( v, v )
is called a loop .Foravertex x in a digraph D , we denote the out-neighborhood
of x in D by N D ( x ) and the in-neighborhood of x in D by N D ( x ), i.e., N D ( x ):=
and N D ( x ):=
.A graph
G is a pair ( V ( G ) ,E ( G )) of a set V ( G )of vertices and a set E ( G ) of unordered
pairs of vertices, called edges .The competition graph of a digraph D is the graph
V ( D )
( x, v )
A ( D )
V ( D )
( v, x )
A ( D )
Yoshio Sano - This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI grant number 25887007.
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