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p 1
1) n (1 2 /p 1 ) ,
( p 1
r log p 1
1) .
It can be shown by simple computation that the right-hand side of the last
inequality is strictly smaller than r +3 if p 1
2 /p 1 ) log( p 1
2 r/ 3+ t ( r ) for some function
t ( r )= O ( r/ log r ) and, in particular, for p 1 = r +1
8. In this case, we have
r + 2 relevant coordinates. Thus, Theorem 8 applies, yielding that A and B
are balls. This proves the last statement of Theorem 7 .
For the proof of the second statement, note that we have already established
that A and B are balls of radius 0 or 1. We use Lemma 4 to calculate the sizes of
A in B in the three possible cases. The product
is z 1 = i = r +1 p i
if A
and B are balls of radius 0. The same product is z 2 =( r +1
r ) i = r +2 p i if
one of them is a ball of radius 0 while the other is a ball of radius 1. Finally, the
i =1 p i
product is z 3 =( r +2
1) 2 i = r +3 p i if both families are balls of radius
1. Note that we have A = B in the first and third cases. Using the condition
p i
i =1 p i
r + 1, it is easy to verify that z 2 <z 1 and z 3
z 1 . Furthermore, we have
z 3 = z 1 if and only if p i = r + 1 for all i
[ r + 2]. This completes the proof of
Theorem 7 .
5 Coordinates with p i =2
In many of our results, we had to assume p i > 2 for all coordinates of the size
vector. Here we elaborate on why the coordinates p i = 2 behave differently.
For the simple characterization of the cases of equality in Theorem 1 ,the
assumption k
= 2 is necessary. Here we characterize all maximal cross-intersecting
pairs in the case k =2.
Let p =( p 1 ,...,p n ) be a size vector of positive integers with k = min i p i =2
and let I =
[ n ]: p i =2
. For any set W of functions I
[2], define the
A W =
S p :
W such that x i = f ( i ) for every i
B W =
S p :
W such that y i
= f ( i ) for every i
The families A W and B W are cross-intersecting for any W . Moreover, if
2 |I|− 1 ,wehave
2 / 4, so they form a maximal cross-intersecting
pair. Note that these include more examples than just the pairs of families
described in Theorem 1 , provided that
A W |·|
B W |
S p |
> 1.
We claim that all maximal cross-intersecting pairs are of the form constructed
above. To see this, consider a maximal pair A, B
S p .Weknowfromthe
proof of Theorem 1 that x
A if and only if x
B , where x
is defined by
x i =( x i +1mod p i ) for all i
[ n ]. Let j
[ n ] be a coordinate with p j > 2. By
A holds if and only if x
the same argument, we also have that x
B , where
x i
= x i for i
and x j
=( x j +2mod p j ). Thus, both x and x belong
[ n ]
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