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are said to be B -critical . By the definition of φ i,j , the family A differs from A by
including some A -critical vectors x and losing the corresponding vectors φ i ( x ).
Symmetrically, B
B consists of some B -critical vectors y and B \
B consists of
the corresponding vectors φ i ( y ). Let us consider the bipartite graph G whose
vertices on one side are the A -critical vectors x , the vertices on the other side
are the B -critical vectors y (considered as disjoint families, even if l = m ), and x
is adjacent to y if and only if
= r .If x and y are adjacent,
then neither the pair ( x, φ i ( y )), nor the pair ( φ i ( x ) ,y )is r -intersecting. As A
and B are r -cross-intersecting, for any pair of adjacent vertices x and y of G ,we
have x
[ n ]: x k = y k }|
B .
The crucial observation is that the graph G is connected. Note that this is
not the case if p k = 2 for some index k/
A if and only if y
T , since all A -critical vectors x in a
connected component of G would have the same value x k . However, we assumed
that p k > 2for l
[ n ]. In this case, the A -critical vectors x and x have a
common B -critical neighbor (and, therefore, their distance in G is 2) if and only
if the symmetric difference of the l element sets
: x k
=( x 0 ) k }
: x k
2 elements. We assumed that r> 1,
so this means that all A -critical vectors are indeed in the same component of
the graph G . Therefore, either all A -critical vectors belong to A or none of them
does. In the latter case, we have A = A . In the former case, A is the Hamming
ball of radius l in coordinates T around the vector x 0 , where x 0 agrees with x 0
in all coordinates but in ( x 0 ) i = j . In either case, A is a ball as required.
=( x 0 ) k }
have at most 2 r
Proof of Theorem 8. By Lemma 10 , it is enough to restrict our attention to
monotone families A and B . We may also assume that all coordinates are relevant
(simply drop the irrelevant coordinates), and thus we have n
r +2.
We denote by U l the Hamming ball of radius l around the all-1 vector in
the entire set of coordinates [ n ]. Notice that the monotone families A and B
are r -cross-intersecting if and only if for a
supp( A )and b
supp( B )wehave
r , separately.
If n = r , both families A and B must coincide with the singleton U 0 .
If n = r + 1, it is still true that either A or B is U 0 . Otherwise, both supp( A )
and supp( B ) have to contain at least one non-empty set, but the union of these
sets has size at most n
r . We consider all possible values of n
r =1,sowehavesupp( A ) = supp( B )=
for some i
[ n ]. But this contradicts our assumption that the coordinate i is
relevant for A .
If n = r + 2, we are done if A = B = U 1 . Otherwise, we must have a two-
element set either in supp( A )orinsupp( B ). Let us assume that a two-element
This leaves five possibilities for a non-empty monotone family B , as supp( B )
must be one of the following set systems:
i, j
belongs to supp( A ). Then each set b
supp( B ) must satisfy b
i, j
i, j
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