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This family is r -intersecting. Thus, by the maximality of the pair ( A, B ), we
2 =
p i
i = r +1
Comparing this with our upper bounds on
, we obtain the inequality
claimed in the theorem.
To prove the required bound on the number of relevant coordinates i with
p i
= 2, we assume that the coordinates are ordered, that is p 1
p 2
≤ ··· ≤
p n . Applying the above estimate on i∈ [ r ] p i and using ( p i
1) 1 2 /p i >p 1 / 5
whenever p i
3, the theorem follows.
4 Monotone Families: Proofs of Theorems 8 and 7
Given a vector x
S p , the set supp( x )=
[ n ]: x i > 1
is called the support
of x . A family A
S p is said to be monotone , if for any x
A and y
S p
satisfying supp( y )
supp( x ), we have y
A .
For a family A
S p , let us define its support as supp( A )=
supp( x ): x
. For a monotone family A , its support is clearly subset-closed and it uniquely
determines A ,as A =
The next result shows that if we want to prove Conjecture 3 , it is sucient
to prove it for monotone families. This will enable us to establish Theorems 8
and 7 , that is, to verify the conjecture for maximal r -cross-intersecting pairs
with a limited number of relevant coordinates. Note that similar reduction to
monotone families appears also in [ FF80 ].
S p : supp( x )
supp( A )
Lemma 10.
n and let p be a size vector of length n .
There exists a maximal pair of r -cross-intersecting families A, B
Let 1
S p such
that both A and B are monotone.
If p i
S p are maximal r -cross-intersecting
families that are not balls, then there exists a pair of maximal r -cross-intersecting
families that consists of monotone families that are not balls and have no more
relevant coordinates than A or B .
3 for all i
[ n ] and A, B
Proof. Consider the following shift operations . For any i
[ n ]and j
[ p i ]
for any family A
S p and any element x
A , we define
φ i ( x )=( x 1 ,...,x i− 1 , 1 ,x i +1 ,...,x n ) ,
φ i,j ( x, A )= φ i ( x ) f x i = j and φ i ( x ) /
φ i,j ( A )=
φ i,j ( x, A ): x
φ i,j ( A )
for any family A
S p . We claim that for any pair
Clearly, we have
of r -cross-intersecting families A, B
S p , the families φ i,j ( A )and φ i,j ( B )are
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