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Since ʱ, ʲ, ʳ are linearly independent over
,soare x, y, z .From
x + y + z = ʱ + ʲ + ʳ =( i ) x +( m i ) y +( n i ) z
it follows that 1 = i = m i = n i . Changing the suxes suitably, we may
assume 1 =1 ,m 2 =1 ,n 3 = 1. Then, ʱ = x, ʲ = y, ʳ = z ,and ˄ is similar to T .
The latter part follows similarly.
Theorem 3.3. (i) All right triangles are original, and (ii) isosceles triangles
other than
( 6 , 6 , 2 3 ) are terminal.
Proof. (i) Let T be a right triangle and suppose ˄
T . Since T can generate a
rectangle, ˄ can generate a rectangle, and hence ˄ is a right triangle by Theorem
2.2. Let ʱ, ʲ ( ʱ
ʲ ) be two acute angles of T ,and ʱ ( ʱ
ʲ ) be two acute
angles of ˄ .Wehave ʱ
ʱ (and ʲ
ʲ ), for otherwise, ˄ cannot generate T .
If ʱ = ʲ (i.e. ʱ = ʲ = ˀ/ 4), then T can generate a square, and hence ˄ can
generate a square. In this case, tan ʱ is a rational by Theorem 2.2 (i), and since
ˀ/ 4 is an integral multiple of ʱ , ʱ is also a rational multiple of ˀ . This implies
ʱ = ˀ/ 4 by Lemma 2.1, and hence ˄
T . So, we may suppose ʱ<ʲ .If ʱ is
a rational multiple of ˀ , then so is ʲ ,and T is original by Theorem 3.1 (i), and
T . So, we suppose ʱ/ˀ is not a rational. In this case, ʱ and ʲ (= ˀ/ 2
ʱ )
.If ʱ , then ʲ , and hence both ʱ, ʲ
must be multiples of ʱ , but this is impossible since ʱ, ʲ are linearly independent
are linearly independent over
. Therefore, ʱ = ʱ and ˄
T .
(ii) Since an equilateral triangle is terminal, we consider the case that T is
an isosceles triangle that is neither equilateral nor
( 6 , 6 , 2 3 ). Let ʱ, ʱ, ʲ be
the three angles of T .If ʱ or ʲ is a rational multiple of ˀ , then both ʱ, ʲ are
rational multiples of ˀ ,and T is terminal by Theorem 3.1 (ii). So, suppose that
one of ʱ, ʲ are irrational multiples of ˀ . Then, since 2 ʱ + ʲ = ˀ , it follows that
ʱ, ʲ are both irrational multiple of ˀ ,and ʱ, ʲ are linearly independent over
Suppose that T
˄ , and let x, y, z be the angles of ˄ .Wehave
x = m 1 ʱ + n 1 ʲ
y = m 2 ʱ + n 2 ʲ
z = m 3 ʱ + n 3 ʲ.
where m i ,n i are all nonnegative integers. Hence
2 ʱ + ʲ = ˀ = x + y + z = m i ʱ + n i ʲ,
and m i =2 , n i = 1. Hence, after suitable change of notations, we can
deduce that x = ʱ, y = ʱ, z = ʲ . Therefore T
˄ ,and T is terminal.
Angles of a triangle are commensurable if they are all rational multiples of ˀ .
Corollary 3.2. (i) Among the triangles with commensurable angles, the triangle
( 6 , 6 , 2 3 ) is a unique intermediate triangle. (ii) The generating chain (
( 6 , 6 , 2 3 ) .
unique chain of length
3 that contains
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