Environmental Engineering Reference
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Brake Horsepower
Brake horsepower (bhp) refers to the horsepower supplied to the pump from the
motor. As power moves through the pump, additional horsepower is lost from slip-
page and friction of the shaft and other factors; thus, pump efficiencies range from
about 50 to 85% and pump efficiency must be taken into account.
Water horsepower (wh
%Efficiency of pump
Brake horsepower (bhp)
Example 2.104
Problem: Under the specified conditions, the pump efficiency is 73%. If the required
water horsepower is 40 hp, what is the required brake horsepower?
40 whp
Required horsepower
55 bhp
Motor Horsepower
Motor horsepower (mhp) is the horsepower the motor must generate to produce the
desired brake and water horsepower.
Brake horsepower (bh
%Efficiency of motor
Motor horsepower (mhp)
Example 2.105
Problem: A motor is 93% efficient. What is the required motor horsepower when the
required brake horsepower is 49.0 bhp?
49 bhp
Motor horsepower
53 mhp
e leCtriCal p oWer
Water/wastewater operators (especially senior operators) must occasionally make
electrical power calculations, especially with regard to electrical energy required
or consumed over a period of time. To accomplish this, horsepower is converted to
electrical energy (kilowatts) and then multiplied by the hours of operation to obtain
Kilowatt-hours = Horsepower (hp) × 0.746 kW/hp × Operating time (hr)
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