Environmental Engineering Reference
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a verage f loW r ates
37. The flows listed below were recorded for a week. What was the average
daily flow rate for the week?
Monday—4.8 MGD
Tuesday—5.1 MGD
Wednesday—5.2 MGD
Thursday—5.4 MGD
Friday—4.8 MGD
Saturday—5.2 MGD
Sunday—4.8 MGD
38. The totalizer reading for the month of September was 121.4 MG. What was
the average daily flow for the month of September?
f loW C onversions
39. Convert 0.165 MGD to gpm.
40. The total flow for one day at a plant was 3,335,000 gal. What was the aver-
age flow for that day in gallons per minute?
41. Express a flow of 8 cfs in terms of gpm.
42. What is 35 gps expressed as gpd?
43. Convert a flow of 4,570,000 gpd to cfm.
44. What is 6.6 MGD expressed as cfs?
45 Express 445,875 cfd as gpm.
46. Convert 2450 gpm to gpd.
g eneral f loW and v eloCity C alCulations
47. A channel has a rectangular cross-section. The channel is 6 ft wide with water
flowing to a depth of 2.5 ft. If the flow rate through the channel is 14,800
gpm, what is the velocity of the water in the channel in feet per second?
48. A channel 55 in. wide has water flowing to a depth of 3.4 ft. If the velocity of
the water is 3.6 fps, what is the flow in the channel in cubic feet per minute?
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