Environmental Engineering Reference
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3. Find the volume ( V ):
V = L × π × r 2
V = 300 ft × 3.14 × 0.0156 = 14.7 ft 2
Example 11.16
Problem: Find the volume of a smokestack that is 24 in. in diameter (entire length)
and 96 in. tall.
Solution: First find the radius of the stack. The radius is one half the diameter, so 24
in. ÷ 2 = 12 in. Now find the volume:
V = H × π × r 2 = 96 in. × 3.14 × (12 i in.2 2 = 96 in. × 3.14 × 14 4 in. 2 = 43,407 ft 3
Example 11.17
Problem: A sedimentation basin is 80 ft in diameter and 12 ft deep. What is the
volume of the tank?
V = H × π × r 2 = 12 ft × 3.14 × (40 ft × 40 ft) = 60,403 ft 3
v oluMe of a C one and s phere
The following equations and examples show how to determine the volume of a cone,
a sphere, and a tank.
Volume of a Cone
Volume of a cone = (π/12) × (Diameter) 2 × Height
(π/12) = (3.14/12) = 0.262
Note: The diameter used in the formula is the diameter of the base of the cone.
Example 11.18
Problem: The bottom section of a circular settling tank has the shape of a cone. How
many cubic feet of water are contained in this section of the tank if the tank has a
diameter of 120 ft and the cone portion of the unit has a depth of 6 ft?
V = 0.262 × (120 ft) 2 × 6 ft = 22,637 ft 3
Volume of a Sphere
Volume of a sphere = (π/6) × (Diameter) 3
(π/6) = (3.14/6) = 0.524
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