Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
where p bk , P is defined as p bk , P , the fraction of size class k in the mixing layer of bed
material if
m , P
m , P , and as the fraction of size class k in the second layer
z b , P
+ δ
m , P
m , P .
z b , P
+ δ Solution of discretized sediment transport equations
Fully decoupled model
Like the 1-D sediment transport model in Section 5.3, the depth-averaged 2-D sediment
transport model can be solved in a decoupled or coupled form. In the decoupled model,
the bed-material gradation in Eq. (6.56) is treated explicitly:
C n + 1
p bk , P C n + 1
q n + 1
p bk , P q n + 1
k , P
k , P
k , P
bk , P
The decoupled sediment transport model is usually decoupled from the flow model,
thus yielding a fully decoupled procedure for flow and sediment calculations. The
calculations in the fully decoupled model are executed as follows:
(1) Calculate the flow field;
(2) Calculate C n + 1
and q n + 1
k using Eq. (6.71);
(3) Calculate C n + 1
using Eq. (6.65);
(4) Calculate q n + 1
using Eq. (6.66);
(5) Determine
z bk and
z b using Eqs. (6.67) and (6.68);
(6) Calculate p n + 1
bk using Eq. (6.70);
(7) Update the bed topography using Eq. (6.69) and the bed-material gradations in
the subsurface layers;
(8) Return to step (1) for the next time step until a specified time is reached.
Semi-coupled model
In the semi-coupled model, the flow and sediment calculations are decoupled, but the
three components of the sediment model
sediment transport, bed change, and bed
material sorting
are coupled. To couple the sediment calculations, the bed-material
gradation in Eq. (6.56) is treated implicitly:
C n + 1
p n + 1
bk , P C n + 1
q n + 1
p n + 1
bk , P q n + 1
k , P =
k , P =
k , P
bk , P
The discretized suspended-load transport equation (6.65), bed-load transport
equation (6.66), bed change equations (6.67) and (6.68), bed material sorting equation
(6.70), and sediment transport capacity equation (6.72) need to be solved simultane-
ously through iteration. One iteration procedure is to set the bed-material gradation
p bk , P as the initial estimate for p n + 1
bk , P , and solve the above discretized equations, in the
sequence Eqs. (6.72), (6.65), (6.66), (6.67), (6.68), and (6.70), to obtain a new esti-
mate for p n + 1
bk , P . This is repeated until a convergent solution is reached. This iteration
procedure is simple, but the level of coupling among sediment transport, bed change,
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