Geoscience Reference
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Q A , M +
Q B , N
Q C ,1
Q C ,1
Q A , M
Q B , N
Substituting Eqs. (5.79) and (5.80) into Eq. (5.85) and then using the expressions
h A , M and
h B , N obtained from Eqs. (5.83) and (5.84) yields
Q C ,1
S C ,1
h C ,1
T C ,1
Q A , M +
Q B , N
Q C ,1 +
z sC ,1
z sA , M ) +
where S C ,1
S A , M
S B , N , and T C ,1
S A , M
z sC ,1
z sB , N ) +
S B , N
T B , N .
The forward sweep can then be carried out from the first to the last point in channel C
using Eqs. (5.71) and (5.72).
The return sweep starts from the last point of channel C , at which a boundary con-
dition is specified. The stage and discharge increments at the last point are determined
using Eqs. (5.75)-(5.78), and at the intermediate points using Eqs. (5.69) and (5.74).
At the end of the return sweep in channel C back to the junction, the stage increment
T A , M
h C ,1 is calculated using Eq. (5.74), and the discharge increment
Q C ,1 is determined
using Eq. (5.86). Next, the stage increments
h A , M and
h B , N are determined using
Eqs. (5.83) and (5.84), and the discharge increments
Q B , N are computed
using Eqs. (5.79) and (5.80). Finally, the return sweep can be carried out along both
channels A and B .
It should be noted that the equal water stage condition (5.81) may be replaced with
the equal energy level condition at the junction:
Q A , M and
Q n + 1
A , M
A n + 1
A , M
Q n + 1
B , N
A n + 1
B , N
Q n + 1
C ,1
A n + 1
C ,1
2 g
2 g
2 g
z n + 1
sA , M
z n + 1
sB , N
z n + 1
sC ,1
which can be expanded in terms of
h and
Q and used to substitute Eqs. (5.83)
and (5.84).
Algorithm for a looped channel network
A “looped” channel network is shown in Fig. 5.12. The difference between “den-
dritic” and “looped” channel networks is that there is only one possible flow path
from a given point to another in a dentritic network, while there are usually sev-
eral such flow paths in a looped network. The previous double sweep algorithm
cannot be applied directly to the solution of unsteady flows in looped channel net-
works. The looped solution algorithm described by Cunge et al . (1980) is often used
instead. In this algorithm, the term “node” is used to represent the junction of several
flow paths that originate from either other nodes or boundary points. For exam-
ple, the nodes in the channel network shown in Fig. 5.12 are A , B , C , and D . The
points (cross-sections) between two nodes in each channel are defined as intermediate
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