Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
How to identify your audience
Mood boards are a creative tool. They are generally a collection of materials that
give a visual direction for any given project. In the way we are presenting them they
can also give a visual indication of the attributes and interest of an audience. Design
agency Landor Associates uses a specific grid to identify personality attributes for its
branding projects. We have adapted this practice to show how to visually identify and
clarify your audience.
This is not a mood board in the traditional sense, like one used by an interior designer.
This one does not use randomly sourced images to give a visual 'feel'. Instead, it uses
strict criteria to identify images for each section of the grid.
The modules can work to give an indication of lifestyle and personal attributes rather
than just colour, shapes and objects.
Within the nine squares, identify specific criteria to look for within images. For ex-
ample, if one square were a car, what car would it be for this kind of audience? If one
were a holiday, what kind of holiday would it be and to which destination? By build-
ing a collection of imagery you begin to identify links and clarify the perception of
the user.
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