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Stephen Woowat's Urban First Aid project, 2004, which uses lateral thinking to liken the ring road
around a city to that of the circulatory system of a human heart.
Inspiration for design
Designers are inspired by a multitude of things: it could be an environment they have
experienced, such as the city they live in or their travels abroad; it may be a build-
ing, a piece of architecture, an artist and their work or their philosophy and beliefs,
a particular cultural movement, a belief or ideology, a piece of music, poetry or the
written word. It may be old signage, tickets collected from around the world, or sweet
wrappers. In short, inspiration can be found everywhere!
We absorb our surroundings both subconsciously and consciously. As designers we
should be looking, recording, collecting, drawing and photographing the things that
surround us. The things that capture our interest may become the inspirations that
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