Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
A typeface family, showing light, regular, bold, extra-bold, condensed and extended fonts.
Typeface: The letters, numbers and punctuation marks of a type design.
Typeface family: A series of typefaces sharing common characteristics but with dif-
ferent sizes and weights.
X-height: The height of a lowercase 'x' of a given typeface measured from the
baseline to the meanline. Different fonts can be the same point size but have a differ-
ent x-height (see p. 79).
Graphic elements
When viewing a design, a user will normally scan the graphic looking for the most
important areas. This can be difficult to ascertain in a complicated design. The de-
signer can use graphic elements to provide visual signals for a user; this will draw
their attention and allow them to locate essential information quickly. There are sev-
eral methods of accomplishing this task. They are often achieved through the use of
rules, dots, lines and arrows.
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