Graphics Reference
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Paragraphs with align-left, ragged-right type. Note that in the lower paragraph the line endings
have a more consistent 'rag', where the designer has taken care that no distracting shapes are
created from the negative space.
Glossary of typographical terms
Ascender: The portion of the lowercase letter that appears above the x-height.
Baseline: The imaginary line upon which the letters sit.
Word annotated to show baseline, x-height, cap height, ascender and descender height.
Body text: Body text or body copy is the text that forms the main part of the work. It
is usually between 8 and 14 points in size.
Single letterform annotated to show stem, stroke, counter and bowl.
Bowl: The stroke that surrounds and contains a counter.
Capital letters: Uppercase letters, sometimes called majuscules.
Counter: The negative space within the body of a letterform.
Descender: The portion of the lowercase letter that appears below the baseline.
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