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Grasslands National Park. © Tourism Saskatchewan, Douglas E. Walker
Grasslands National Park
Moose Jaw
Grasslands National Park was the
fi rst representative portion of original
mixed-grass prairie set aside in North
America. Among the variety of habi-
tats represented here are grasslands,
buttes, badlands and the Frenchman
River Valley; spectacular views can be
enjoyed from some of the butte tops,
while the wildlife includes the rare
swift fox, pronghorn antelopes, bur-
rowing owls, and golden eagles. Most
interesting, though, is the unique prai-
rie dog town, where colonies of black-
tailed prairie dogs still live in their nat-
ural environment.
The secret underground passages of
Moose Jaw were but a rumour until
a car plunged through the pavement
and wound up 4m below street level
in what are now referred to as the
Tunnels of Moose Jaw . Today,
visitors can take two guided tours of
the newly renovated underground
passageways. During the Passage to
Fortune tour, interpreters explain how
they were built by the Chinese labour-
ers who had come to work on the rail-
way and decided to go “underground,”
in this case literally, when Canada
went back on its promise to grant them
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