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12. Similarly add a sparkline to the Average Temperature column and choose
AvgTemp for this sparkline.
13. Run the report (press F5 ) and verify the sparklines' appearance as shown in
the following screenshot:
You can format the sparklines and enrich them with lot more details than shown in
this exercise, but the general idea is to show how the fields vary over the duration
using sparklines. You could also turn sparklines into charts.
Indicators are small icons added to the report displaying the range of data in
the report such as high, low, too low and so on. It is very similar to conditional
formatting, such as Red for small numbers, Green for large ones, and so on.
Hands-on exercise 5.10 - creating reports
using indicators
We will use the same data source and dataset as in the previous hands-on.
Create a report with Northwind database and the PrincetonTemp table.
Create the report as shown. Click and add an empty column to the right side
of AvgTemp and HighTemp columns. Into each of these columns, insert an
indictor control (right-click and go to the bottom of the drop-down list to
insert, you have seen how to do this earlier. These can also be inserted from
the main menu in the ribbon.)
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