Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 9-2: Complete management of tablespace using ALTER
TABLESPACE statement.
If your tablespace is running out of space than you can either
increase the side of existing data files or you can add more data
files to it using the ALTER TABLESPACE statement as shown
in the Figure 9-2. Did you ever thought that why in the definition
of “Relationship between Physical & Logical Architecture of
Database”, we said,
“Each tablespace can reside in one or more data files but each
data file can never be associated with more than one tablespace.”
What's wrong with the following definition, if Oracle would
have defined this relationship as, each tablespace can reside in
one data file only, that's it. Wouldn't our life be much simpler?
We never would have to worry about adding more data files.
Whenever we run out of space in tablespace we can just increase
it size.
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