Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
2.7. Environmental protection
Projection: Polyconic American (100° W)
50 0 km
Federal Domain
Forest Service Region
5 00
1 000 km
Regional Projection
Designed and made by JM Zaninetti, University of Orleans, CEDETE Institute
Figure 2.18. Wilderness, protected areas, and federal lands in 2005
In contrast with Europe, part of the US territory is considered to be completely
wild and deserted in the classic sense of the term “wilderness”, even though most of
this wilderness is found in Alaska (54% of 42.7 million hectares). This represents
just under 4.7% of the country's total surface area, far below the 12% recommended
by the Brundtland Report on Sustainable Development (1987). Land which has
never been subject to any contract of sale is considered federal property, which
represents nearly 3.3 million km², or almost 36% of the territory. Federal land covers
almost three-quarters of the territory of Alaska, but less than 30% of the territory of
the 48 conterminous states, where it is found mainly in the West. Less than 9% of
federal lands lie east of the 100th meridian (see Figure 2.18).
This land distribution is inherited from the past. In the early 19th century, federal
lands west of the Appalachians were sold to settlers for agricultural development.
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