Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Test the level to see what happens. Ideally, Magellan should come down from the
top, and as soon as he hits the Dom actor he should move away. But he just stops! He
doesn't keep moving. Well, we can fix that. Double-click on the Dom actor, and we
are going to create another collision rule, but the actor will be Magellan. Now drag
in a Move To behavior and for the positions ( x , y ), change it to scene.Background.
Magellan.Position.(x,y) respectively, and set the speed to 300 , or the same speed
with which you made Magellan speed off the screen. Now, as soon as Magellan
collides with Dom, he will take off and the Dom actor will follow.
Working with particles
I know what you're saying now, "Dude! Nice particles! How do I get such
awesomeness?" Well, let me show you, my friend. Double-click on the Magellan
actor in the scene, and drag in a Particles behavior. GameSalad's particle systems are
pretty powerful, so there are a lot of variables we will have to change. Let's start on
the first tab, Spawn Rate . For this effect, I changed the Number of Particles option to
100 , and changed the Particle Lifetime option to 1 second.
Click on the Velocity / Position tab, and change the Emitter Offset variables to -40
horizontal, and -30 vertical, and set the Speed to 0 . We don't want the particles
moving, we just want them to follow Magellan.
Click on the Size tab, and change it to 15 . On to the Color tab, I changed it to a teal,
kind-of-blue flame color, and changed the Blending to Screen . Skip the Rotation
tab, we don't need any rotation. On to the Image tab, let's select the Particle Image ,
which will give the particle a soft round shape. You can use this image for flames
and smoke, as well just by simply changing the color.
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