Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
How long, and how much did you study your language courses? The same amount
of effort is required for learning a coding language. It's tough work. Who has the
time either? Courses can be costly too, costing around $10,000 per course, and
tutorials are helpful but not always easy to follow as most of them assume you know
the program and language. If something goes wrong, you are kind of out of luck
because there's no explanation. Sure you can search forums and post comments, but
who's to say you'll get a response?
What the heck does that mean?! Ah, syntax and semantic errors. Now this is where
this topic comes in handy...
How GameSalad makes it all easy
GameSalad simplifies the development of your game. No need to learn a crazy
confusing language! All the programming you do here is done by drag-and-drop
behavior-based modules into the actors or objects in the game. Everything is
drag-and-drop. No need to program tiles to build your levels!
For example, here is a very simple collision detection system using the iOS Sprite
Kit development:
- (void)checkForAndResolveCollisionsForPlayer:(Player *)player
forLayer:(TMXLayer *)layer
NSInteger indices[8] = {7, 1, 3, 5, 0, 2, 6, 8};
player.onGround = NO; ////Here
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
NSInteger tileIndex = indices[i];
CGRect playerRect = [player collisionBoundingBox];
CGPoint playerCoord = [layer
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