Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Object variables that your native code may modify should carry the volatile modifier. The
file , shown in Example 24-9 , is a good starting point.
Example 24-9.
* A trivial class to show Java Native Interface 1.1 usage from Java.
public class
class HelloJni
HelloJni {
int myNumber = 42 ; // used to show argument passing
// declare native class
public native
native void
void displayHelloJni ();
// Application main, call its display method
public static
void main ( String [] args ) {
System . out . println ( "HelloJni starting; args.length=" +
args . length + "..." );
static void
for ( int
int i = 0 ; i < args . length ; i ++)
System . out . println ( "args[" + i + "]=" + args [ i ]);
HelloJni hw = new
new HelloJni ();
hw . displayHelloJni (); // call the native function
System . out . println ( "Back in Java, \"myNumber\" now " + hw . myNumber );
// Static code blocks are executed once, when class file is loaded
static {
System . loadLibrary ( "hello" );
The second step is simple; just use javac as you normally would. You probably
won't get any compilation errors on a simple program like this; if you do, correct them and
try the compilation again.
Next, you need to create an .h file. Use javah to produce this file:
// produces HelloJni.h
javah jni.HelloJni
The .h file produced is a “glue” file, not really meant for human consumption and particu-
larly not for editing. But by inspecting the resulting .h file, you'll see that the C method's
name is composed of the name Java , the package name (if any), the class name, and the
method name:
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