Java Reference
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use Text::Levenshtein qw( );
# Perl module from CPAN to measure string similarity
use Inline 0.44 "JAVA" => "DATA"; # pointer to the Inline java source
use Inline::Java qw(caught); # helper function to determine exception type
my $show = new Showit; # construct Java object using Perl syntax
$show->show("Just another Perl hacker"); # call method on that object
eval {
# Call a method that will call back to Perl;
# catch exceptions, if any.
print "matcher: ", $show->match("Japh", shift||"Java"),
" (displayed from Perl)\n";
if ($@) {
print STDERR "Caught:", caught($@), "\n";
die $@ unless caught("java.lang.Exception");
print STDERR $@->getMessage( ), "\n";
__END_ _
__JAVA_ _
// Java starts here
import javax.swing.*;
class Showit extends InlineJavaPerlCaller {
// extension only neeeded if calling back into Perl
/** Simple Java class to be called from Perl, and to call back to Perl
public Showit( ) throws InlineJavaException { }
/** Simple method */
public void show(String str) {
System.out.println(str + " inside Java");
/** Method calling back into Perl */
public int match(String target, String pattern)
throws InlineJavaException, InlineJavaPerlException {
// Calling a function residing in a Perl Module
String str = (String)CallPerl("Text::Levenshtein", "distance",
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