Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Because R treats all numbers as floating point, like many interpreters, the value printed is
84.0 .
You can also find out the installed scripting engines and pick one that is on your classpath.
The ScriptEnginesDemo program in Example 24-7 lists the installed engines, and runs a
simple script in the default language, ECMAScript (aka JavaScript).
Example 24-7.
public class
class ScriptEnginesDemo
ScriptEnginesDemo {
public static
throws ScriptException {
ScriptEngineManager scriptEngineManager = new
static void
void main ( String [] args ) throws
new ScriptEngineManager ();
// Print list of supported languages
scriptEngineManager . getEngineFactories (). forEach ( factory ->
System . out . println ( factory . getLanguageName ()));
// Run a script in the JavaScript language
String lang = "ECMAScript" ;
ScriptEngine engine =
scriptEngineManager . getEngineByName ( lang );
iif ( engine == null
null ) {
System . err . println ( "Could not find engine" );
return ;
engine . eval ( "print(\"Hello from " + lang + "\");" );
See Also
To see the full list of languages, and download the “script engines”—the interfaces from Java
to each of the languages—visit the Oracle page or the page .
At present, the website is borked; to view the list of engines at you have to save the
file and open it manually; the web server dishes it with the wrong content type.
The list maintained as part of the scripting project per se can be found at the source code re-
pository, by viewing . A dozen or so other engines are maintained by others outside
this project; for example, there is a Perl5 script engine from Google .
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