Java Reference
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Process p = r . exec ( cmd );
FileIO . copyFile ( new
new InputStreamReader ( p . getInputStream ()), out , true
true );
try {
p . waitFor ();
// wait for process to complete
} catch
catch ( InterruptedException e ) {
return - 1 ;
return p . exitValue ();
As a simple example of using exec() directly along with ExecAndPrint , I'll create three
temporary files, list them (directory listing), and then delete them. When I run the ExecDe-
moFiles program, it lists the three files it has created:
-rw------- 1 ian wheel 0 Jan 29 14:29 file1
-rw------- 1 ian wheel 0 Jan 29 14:29 file2
-rw------- 1 ian wheel 0 Jan 29 14:29 file3
Its source code is in Example 24-4 .
Example 24-4.
// Get and save the Runtime object.
Runtime rt = Runtime . getRuntime ();
// Create three temporary files (the slow way!)
rt . exec ( "mktemp file1" );
rt . exec ( "mktemp file2" );
rt . exec ( "mktemp file3" );
// Run the "ls" (directory lister) program
// with its output sent into a file
String [] args = { "ls" , "-l" , "file1" , "file2" , "file3" };
ExecAndPrint . run ( args );
rt . exec ( "rm file1 file2 file3" );
A process isn't necessarily destroyed when the Java program that created it exits or bombs
out. Simple text-based programs will be, but window-based programs like kwrite , Netscape,
or even a Java-based JFrame application will not. For example, our ExecDemoNS program
started Netscape, and when ExecDemoNS 's Exit button is clicked, ExecDemoNS exits but Nets-
cape stays running. What if you want to be sure a process has completed? The Process ob-
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