Java Reference
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optarg = null
null ;
* Modern way of using GetOpt: call this once and get all options.
* <p>
* This parses the options, returns a Map whose keys are the found options.
* Normally followed by a call to getFilenameList().
* <br>Side effect: sets "fileNameArguments" to a new List
* @return a Map whose keys are Strings of length 1 (containing the char
* from the option that was matched) and whose value is a String
* containing the value, or null for a non-option argument.
public Map < String , String > parseArguments ( String [] argv ) {
Map < String , String > optionsValueMap = new
new HashMap < String , String >();
fileNameArguments = new
new ArrayList < String >();
for ( int
int i = 0 ; i < argv . length ; i ++) { // Cannot use foreach, need i
Debug . println ( "getopt" , "parseArg: i=" + i + ": arg " + argv [ i ]);
char c = getopt ( argv );
// sets global "optarg"
iif ( c == DONE ) {
fileNameArguments . add ( argv [ i ]);
} else
else {
optionsValueMap . put ( Character . toString ( c ), optarg );
// If this arg takes an option, must arrange here to skip it.
iif ( optarg != null
null ) {
i ++;
return optionsValueMap ;
/** Get the list of filename-like arguments after options;
* only for use if you called parseArguments.
public List < String > getFilenameList () {
iif ( fileNameArguments == null
null ) {
throw new
new IllegalArgumentException (
"Illegal call to getFilenameList() before parseOptions()" );
return fileNameArguments ;
/** The true heart of getopt, whether used old way or new way:
* returns one argument; call repeatedly until it returns DONE.
* Side-effect: sets globals optarg, optind
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