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Running a Program and Capturing Its Output
You want to run a program but also capture its output.
Use the Process object's getInputStream() ; read and copy the contents to System.out or
wherever you want them.
The original notion of standard output and standard error was that they would always be con-
nected to “the terminal”; this notion dates from an earlier time when almost all computer
users worked at the command line. Today, a program's standard and error output does not al-
ways automatically appear anywhere. Arguably, there should be an automatic way to make
this happen. But for now, you need to add a few lines of code to grab the program's output
and print it:
public class
ExecDemoLs {
/** The program to run */
class ExecDemoLs
public static
final String PROGRAM = "ls" ; // "dir" for Windows
/** Set to true to end the loop */
static final
static volatile
volatile boolean
boolean done = false
false ;
public static
static void
void main ( String argv []) throws
throws IOException {
final Process p ;
// Process tracks one external native process
BufferedReader is ;
// reader for output of process
String line ;
p = Runtime . getRuntime (). exec ( PROGRAM );
Debug . println ( "exec" , "In Main after exec" );
// Optional: start a thread to wait for the process to terminate.
// Don't just wait in main line, but here set a "done" flag and
// use that to control the main reading loop below.
Thread waiter = new
new Thread () {
public void
void run () {
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