Java Reference
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As an example of the benefits of a compile-time annotation, consider the common error
made when overriding: as shown in Example 23-13 , a small error in the method signature
can result it an overload when an override was intended.
Example 23-13. Why annotations?
public class MyClass {
public boolean equals(MyClass object2) {
// compare, return boolean
The code will compile just fine on any release of Java, but it is incorrect. The standard con-
tract of the equals() method (see Overriding the equals() and hashCode() Methods ) requires
an equals method whose solitary argument is of type java.lang.Object . The preceding ver-
sion creates an accidental overload. Because the main use of equals() (and its buddy meth-
od hashCode() , see Overriding the equals() and hashCode() Methods ) is in the Collections
classes (see Chapter 7 ), this overloaded method will never get called, resulting both in dead
code and in incorrect operation of your class within Sets and Maps.
The solution is very simple: using the annotation java.lang.Override , as in
Example 23-14 , informs the compiler that the annotated method is required to be overriding
a method inherited from a supertype (either a superclass or an interface). If not, the code will
not compile.
Example 23-14. @Override Annotation
public class MyClass {
public boolean equals(MyClass object2) {
// compare, return boolean
This version of equals() , while still incorrect, will be flagged as erroneous at compile time,
potentially avoiding a lot of debugging time. This annotation, on your own classes, will help
both at the time you write new code and as you maintain your codebase; if a method is re-
moved from a superclass, all the subclasses that still attempt to override it and have the
@Override annotation, will cause an error message, allowing you to remove a bunch of dead
The second major use of annotations is to provide metatdata at runtime. For example, the
Java Persistence API (JPA, see Easy Database Access with JPA and/or Hibernate ) uses its
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