Java Reference
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main . invoke ( null
null , nargs );
// Get ending time, and compute usage
long t1 = System . currentTimeMillis ();
long runTime = t1 - t0 ;
System . err . println (
"runTime=" + Double . toString ( runTime / 1000 D ));
Of course, you can't directly compare the results from the operating system time command
with results from running this program. There is a rather large, but fairly constant, initializa-
tion overhead—the JVM startup and the initialization of Object and System.out , for ex-
ample—that is included in the former and excluded from the latter. One could even argue
that my Time program is more accurate because it excludes this constant overhead. But, as
noted, it must be run on a single-user machine to yield repeatable results. And no fair run-
ning an editor in another window while waiting for your timed program to complete!
See Also
Java Performance: The Definitive Guide by Scott Oaks (O'Reilly) provides information on
tuning Java performance.
Printing Class Information
You want to print all the information about a class, similar to the way javap does.
Get a Class object, call its getFields() and getMethods() , and print the results.
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