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Timing results
I ran StringPrintA , StringPrintAA , and StringPrintB twice each on the same computer.
To eliminate JVM startup times, I ran them from a program called TimeNoArgs , which takes
a class name and invokes its main() method, using the Reflection API. TimeNoArgs and a
shell script to run it, , are in the performance folder of the javasrc source
repository. Here are the results:
2004 Results
17.23, 17.20 seconds
StringPrintAA 17.23, 17.23 seconds
27.59, 27.60 seconds
2014 Results
0.714, 0.525 seconds
StringPrintAA 0.616, 0.561 seconds
1.091, 1.039 seconds
Although the times went down by a factor of roughly 20 over a decade, the ratios remain re-
markably consistent: StringPrintB , which calls print() and println() multiple times,
takes roughly twice as long.
Moral: Don't guess. If it matters, time it.
Another moral: Multiple calls to System.out.print() cost more than the same number of
calls to a StringBuilder 's append() method, by a factor of roughly 1.5 (or 150%). Theory
B wins; the extra println calls appear to save a string concatenation but make the program
take substantially longer.
Other aspects of performance: GC
There are many other aspects of software performance. One that is fundamental to Java is
garbage collection behavior. Sun/Oracle usually talk about this at JavaOne. See, for example,
the JavaOne 2003 paper “Garbage Collection in the Java HotSpot Virtual Machine” . You
should also see the JavaOne 2007 talk by the same GC Development team, “Garbage-
Collection-Friendly Programming”, TS-2906. Unfortunately it seems to have gotten lost
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