Java Reference
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plet . And we'll initially take the easiest path from ingredients to cookies before we complic-
ate it.
Example 23-5.
/** A simple class, just to provide the list of methods that
* users need to provide to be usable in our application.
* Note that the class is abstract so you must subclass it,
* but the methods are non-abstract so you don't have to provide
* dummy versions if you don't need a particular functionality.
public abstract
abstract class
class Cooklet
Cooklet {
/** The initialization method. The Cookie application will
* call you here (AFTER calling your no-argument constructor)
* to allow you to initialize your code
public void
void initialize ( ) {
/** The work method. The cookie application will call you
* here when it is time for you to start cooking.
public void
void work ( ) {
/** The termination method. The cookie application will call you
* here when it is time for you to stop cooking and shut down
* in an orderly fashion.
public void
void terminate ( ) {
Now, because we'll be baking, err, making this available to other people, we'll probably
want to cook up a demonstration version too; see Example 23-6 .
Example 23-6.
public class
class DemoCooklet
DemoCooklet extends
extends Cooklet {
public void
void work () {
System . out . println ( "I am busy baking cookies." );
public void
void terminate () {
System . out . println ( "I am shutting down my ovens now." );
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