Java Reference
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String requestCommand = st . nextToken ();
requestURL = st . nextToken ();
String requestHTTPVersion = st . nextToken ();
System . out . println ( "Request: Command " + requestCommand +
", file " + requestURL + ", version " + requestHTTPVersion );
// First, check that rqCode is either GET or HEAD or ...
iif ( "get" . equalsIgnoreCase ( requestCommand ))
methodType = RequestType . RQ_GET ;
else if ( "head" . equalsIgnoreCase ( requestCommand ))
methodType = RequestType . RQ_HEAD ;
else if ( "post" . equalsIgnoreCase ( requestCommand ))
methodType = RequestType . RQ_POST ;
else {
errorResponse ( 400 , "invalid method: " + requestCommand );
clntSock . close ();
return ;
// Read headers, up to the null line before the body,
// so the body can be read directly if it's a POST.
Map < String , String > headersMap = new
new HashMap < String , String >();
String hdrLine ;
while (( hdrLine = is . readLine ()) != null
null &&
hdrLine . length () != 0 ) {
int ix ;
iif (( ix = hdrLine . indexOf ( ':' )) != - 1 ) {
String hdrName = hdrLine . substring ( 0 , ix );
String hdrValue = hdrLine . substring ( ix + 1 ). trim ();
Debug . println ( "hdr" , hdrName + "," + hdrValue );
headersMap . put ( hdrName , hdrValue );
} else
else {
System . err . println ( "INVALID HEADER: " + hdrLine );
iif ( methodType == RequestType . RQ_POST ) {
errorResponse ( 501 , "Protocol not written yet" );
clntSock . close ();
return ;
// Make a URL from the request
URL url = new
new URL ( requestURL );
String protocol = url . getProtocol ();
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