Java Reference
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One caveat is that, in real life, you generally would not want to perform I/O while holding
the monitor lock, because doing so is bad for performance.
Simplifying Producer/Consumer with the Queue Interface
You need to control producer/consumer implementations involving multiple threads.
Use the Queue interface or the BlockingQueue subinterface.
As an example of the simplifications possible with java.util.Concurrent package, con-
sider the producer/consumer program in Synchronizing Threads the Hard Way with wait( )
and notifyAll( ) . Example 22-14 ,, uses the java.util.BlockingQueue
(itself a subinterface of the java.util.Queue interface) to reimplement the program
ProdCons2 from Example 22-13 in about two-thirds the number of lines of code. With these
new features, the application need not be concerned with wait() or the vagaries of noti-
fy() and the use of notifyAll() in its place.
The application simply puts items into a queue and takes them from it. In the example, I have
(as before) four producers and only three consumers, so the producers eventually wait. Run-
ning the application on one of my older notebooks, the producers' lead over the consumers
increases to about 350 over the 10 seconds or so of running it.
Example 22-14.
public class
class ProdCons15
ProdCons15 {
protected volatile
volatile boolean
boolean done = false
false ;
/** Inner class representing the Producer side */
class Producer
Producer implements
implements Runnable {
protected BlockingQueue < Object > queue ;
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